Welding of gas industry
We offer welding services for various gas equipment according to individual orders. Our manufacturing plant holds ISO 3834 and ISO 9001 certifications.
I-MAXIMUM performs welding of mixers for various types of gases
- LPG, SNG, biogas, and hydrogen - at our own facility.
Production at I-MAXIMUM adheres to global standards. Additionally, we perform welding of gas equipment based on customers' individual drawings.

All manufactured equipment undergoes mandatory testing and weld joint inspection using radiographic methods, confirmed by relevant certificates.

About I-Maximum Company
I-MAXIMUM - an engineering company that provides energy solutions for industrial LPG systems, Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). Offers gas installation technologies for enriching biogas and biomethane. We specialize in the production and delivery of precise gas blending installations that effectively replace the use of coal, heating oil, gas, and other fuels at our clients' facilities. I-maximum gas equipment to the decarbonization of the industrial, heating, food, and many other sectors.
Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant
Dear Sir/Madam!
Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant - LPG systems engineering. Event on April 26, 2024 near Warsaw as part of the Gaseous Fuels Forum 2024. If you are interested in receiving videos of all presentations about gas equipment company I-MAXIMUM, please view the program of production presentations gas systems engineering company and fill out the subscription form at the following link: https://i-maximum.com/presentation2024
The Teams I-Maximum engineering company