Installation of Gas Equipment
I-MAXIMUM offers Industrial gas equipment installation and supervision of the LPG installation. We organize the Technical gas design, Industrial installation of gas pipelines and the initial commissioning of industrial LPG gas installations at clients' sites.
Our qualified specialists have experience and expertise in installing LPG tanks and LPG vaporization stations, support service for UDT in Poland for glass factories in 2022-2023, during the period of high natural gas prices in the European Union.
We have experience in the installation of industrial gas systems - pump units for delivering liquid phase LPG and pump installations for supplying hot water (ethylene glycol) to industry Hot Water Propane Vaporizers circulation.
Industrial gas equipment installation is a critical aspect of ensuring the smooth operation of gas systems across various industries. Expertly handled by qualified professionals, the installation of industrial LPG and SNG gas installations requires both precision and specialized knowledge. From the installation of LPG gas delivery systems to complex industrial gas installations, it’s essential that these projects are managed by experienced teams with a strong reputation for delivering high-quality results. The industry relies heavily on the expertise of these professionals to guarantee safety, compliance, and optimal performance in every installation. With a track record of success, trusted gas equipment installation companies are known for their commitment to excellence and their ability to handle even the most challenging projects.
Firma I-MAXIMUM świadczy kompleksowe usługi w zakresie montażu i pierwszego uruchomienia systemów dostarczania gazu LPG i SNG.
Organizujemy instalacje gazociągów, w tym wykonanie zgodnie z dostarczonymi specyfikacjami projektu:
Dostawa materiałów zgodnie z harmonogramem projektu
Prefabrykacja i montaż elementów rurociągów
Montaż i mechaniczne łączenie rurociągów z urządzeniami
Płukanie i próby ciśnieniowe
Badania nieniszczące 5% spoin
Pomieszczenia socjalne i magazynowe
Podnośniki koszowe
Zakwaterowanie dla pracowników
Ponadto uruchamiamy instalacje urządzeń, które obejmują:
Pierwsze uruchomienie pompy
Pierwsze ustawienie i regulacja parametrów parowników
Pierwsze ustawienie i regulacja parametrów mikserów
Napełnianie rur mieszanką gazową
Kontrole systemów bezpieczeństwa
Pomoc podczas uruchamiania instalacji
We have unique experience in the installation and commissioning of Venturi-type SNG mixers and SNG blenders with automatic mixing of LPG and air flow. Additionally, we have installed three mixers in Poland for blending LPG with natural gas (NG).

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The chart is based on TTF and Argus (daf Brest) quotes in 2021-2023.
TTF – The Title Transfer Facility, is a virtual trading point for natural gas in the Netherlands. Argus (daf Brest) - daily quotes for liquefied gas prices on the Belarusian-Polish border
Start saving - Install an alternative to Natural Gas - Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG)
Design and installation of gas supply for power energy, industrial and agriculture

Our services
About I-Maximum Company
I-MAXIMUM - an engineering company that provides energy solutions for industrial LPG systems, Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). Offers gas installation technologies for enriching biogas and biomethane. We specialize in the production and delivery of precise gas blending installations that effectively replace the use of coal, heating oil, gas, and other fuels at our clients' facilities. I-maximum gas equipment to the decarbonization of the industrial, heating, food, and many other sectors.
Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant
Dear Sir/Madam!
Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant - LPG systems engineering. Event on April 26, 2024 near Warsaw as part of the Gaseous Fuels Forum 2024. If you are interested in receiving videos of all presentations about gas equipment company I-MAXIMUM, please view the program of production presentations gas systems engineering company and fill out the subscription form at the following link:
The Teams I-Maximum engineering company