Automatic SNG gas Mixers - Propane-Air Mixing Systems
SNG gas Blenders - Propane-Air Mixing Systems
The unique of the MGA series Automatic SNG Blender or automatic LPG air mixer is a gas blending system where LPG (gas propane) and air are automate mixed at high pressure in proportions, producing gas SNG (Synthetic Natural Gas) at the output with required characteristics and is alternative for natural gas for the industry. SNG gas mixture in an automatic LPG air blender has a calorific value equal to methane and biomethane and can replace natural gas in gas supply systems. Air and LPG mixing systems can be used in burners as a direct alternative to natural gas without the need for reconfiguration or replacement of the burner. LPG / Air Blending Systems is precise, safe, and reliable in SNG mixing systems.
We manufacture automatic SNG gas mixers MGA model with pressure ranges from 300 mbar to 12 bar and with capacities ranging lpg air blending system from 250 to 10,000 NM³/h.
Using synthetic natural gas (SNG) instead of pure propane to generate 100,000 kcal reduces propane consumption by 11%. This saving is achieved by optimizing the SNG composition (propane + air) and effectively controlling the calorific value and the fuel-air ratio. Thus, using the Propane Air mixer for SNG production is a more efficient solution for propane consumption.
APPEARANCE LPG AIR blending system - Propane Air mixer

Technical Specification LPG mixers

10 unique features of the Gas Blender (Mixer) series MGA from I-MAXIMUM.

ADDITIONAL PRESSURE CONTROL at the gas and air inlet and at the SNG outlet using TT temperature sensors with display.
INCREASED FILTRATION EFFICIENCY. We use filters that ensure reliable operation of the devices regardless of the gas quality.
RELIABILITY OF PRESSURE REGULATORS. Membrane regulators are less demanding in terms of the quality of filtered gas compared to "pilot" system regulators.
HIGH MEASUREMENT PRECISION. Built-in pressure and temperature sensors in the VORTEX flowmeter ensure measurement accuracy up to 1%
LOUVRED VALVE ENSURES PRECISE REGULATION. The speed and smoothness of valve control are achieved by combining them with a motor drive. Unlike pneumatic drives, the valves can simultaneously provide emergency shutdown.
CHECK VALVES PROVIDE ADDITIONAL DEVICE PROTECTION. During operation, they prevent gas from flowing back in case of emergency situations.
SAFE GAS MIXING. Thanks to the unique design of the mixing system, there are no pulsations or pressure drops at the SNG blender outlet.
PROTECTION AGAINST LIQUID SNG PHASE ENTRY. The temperature sensor in the SNG mixing system prevents the entry of the liquid phase of SNG into the pipelines.
GAS LEAK DETECTION. Automatic shutdown of the SNG Blender in case of gas leakage and activation of audio-visual signaling.
MULTI-FUNCTIONAL ELECTRIC CONTROL PANEL WITH REMOTE CONTROL CAPABILITY. We monitor over 20 parameters, ensuring safe and reliable operation of the SNG Blender.

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Our services
About I-Maximum Company
I-MAXIMUM - an engineering company that provides energy solutions for industrial LPG systems, Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). Offers gas installation technologies for enriching biogas and biomethane. We specialize in the production and delivery of precise gas blending installations that effectively replace the use of coal, heating oil, gas, and other fuels at our clients' facilities. I-maximum gas equipment to the decarbonization of the industrial, heating, food, and many other sectors.
Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant
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Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant - LPG systems engineering. Event on April 26, 2024 near Warsaw as part of the Gaseous Fuels Forum 2024. If you are interested in receiving videos of all presentations about gas equipment company I-MAXIMUM, please view the program of production presentations gas systems engineering company and fill out the subscription form at the following link:
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