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Promotional Materials, Brochures

GAS VAPORIZER, LPG vaporizer electric and water

logo i-maximum

LPG Vaporizers, LPG Mixers, Blenders Biomethane Enrichment

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the i-maxgas series
Brochure for the I-Maxgas Containerized LPG Vaporization Station
sng blenders
Brochure for the MGA Series SNG Blender
scharrtec company description

Brochure for the Prolimix Biomethane Enrichment Mixer by the German company Scharr Tec.


Brochure for the I-BioMAX Mobile Biomethane Enrichment Station

the i-maxgas series
Brochure for the I-Maxgas Containerized LPG Vaporization Station
sng blenders
Brochure for the MGA Series SNG Blender
scharrtec company description

Brochure for the Prolimix Biomethane Enrichment Mixer by the German company Scharr Tec.


Brochure for the I-BioMAX Mobile Biomethane Enrichment Station

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I-MAXIMUM - firma dostarczająca rozwiązania energetyczne dla instalacji LPG i Syntetyczny Gaz Ziemny (SNG). Oferuje technologie w instalacjach gazowych do Wzbogacania biogazu i biometanu.

logo kge

GAS VAPORIZER, LPG vaporizer electric and water

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lpg vaporizers
Brochure for LPG Vaporizers from the Korean company KGE (including all types: electric, water, and gas)
description KGE vaporizers
Brochure for the Electric Dry-Type LPG Vaporizer – Model KDV
description vaporizer lpg
Brochure for the LPG Vaporizer (Indirect Fire) – Model KBV
lpg vaporizers
Brochure for LPG Vaporizers from the Korean company KGE (including all types: electric, water, and gas)
description KGE vaporizers
Brochure for the Electric Dry-Type LPG Vaporizer – Model KDV
description vaporizer lpg
Brochure for the LPG Vaporizer (Indirect Fire) – Model KBV
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I-Maximum jest oficjalnym przedstawicielem prestiżowej koreańskiej firmy Korea Gas Engineering (KGE), która w ciągu 12 lat działalności wyprodukowała ponad 4000 parowników LPG.

I-Maximum in numbers


The first manufacturing of GAS mixers in Poland


20 years of engineering experience


More than 500 installed LPG vaporizers

gas installation

More than 10 installed SNG mixers

About I-Maximum Company

I-MAXIMUM - an engineering company that provides energy solutions for industrial LPG systems, Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). Offers gas installation technologies for enriching biogas and biomethane. We specialize in the production and delivery of precise gas blending installations that effectively replace the use of coal, heating oil, gas, and other fuels at our clients' facilities. I-maximum gas equipment to the decarbonization of the industrial, heating, food, and many other sectors.

About company
logo i-maximum
Our installations
About company KGE
logo kge

Our services

Welding of gas equipment
Technical design
Installation of gas equipment
Supply of LPG and SNG equipment
gas installation

Advantages of SNG gas supply

piggy bank
Economywith unstable natural gas and LNG markets
SecurityIndependence from accidents on natural gas pipelines
SpeedSwitching to SNG does not require replacement or adjustment of burners
InvestmentsSNG system equipment is cheaper than LNG

Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant

Dear Sir/Madam!

Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant - LPG systems engineering. Event on April 26, 2024 near Warsaw as part of the Gaseous Fuels Forum 2024. If you are interested in receiving videos of all presentations about gas equipment company I-MAXIMUM, please view the program of production presentations gas systems engineering company and fill out the subscription form at the following link: 


The Teams I-Maximum engineering company

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bossSwietoslaw KariuknetworkHead of the sales department