Presentation 2024
Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant
As part of the Gas Fuels Forum 2024, I-MAXIMUM sp. z o.o. presented a study visit to the I-MAXIMUM manufacturing plant on April 26, 2024.
I-MAXIMUM sp. z o.o. presents the first production of gas mixers in Poland designed for various gases - LPG, hydrogen, biogas, natural gas, and others. The company offers comprehensive project and technical support services, including turnkey LPG and SNG gas installations. Specializing in industrial vaporizers selection and gas blending systems - SNG blenders (LPG and air; biogas and LPG; natural gas and LPG), the company also provides support services during system operation, offering advice on equipment selection and delivering optimized solutions.

I-MAXIMUM is the exclusive representative of the Korean company Korea Gas Engineering in the EU territory. I-MAXIMUM's clients include companies in the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine, among others. The company also provides support during the operation of equipment, offers advice on equipment selection, and delivers solutions.

The company's manufacturing plant is situated in Parzniew, near Warsaw. Upon the conclusion of the Gas Fuels Forum on Friday, April 26, I-MAXIMUM warmly invites participants to tour the facility and engage with company representatives. This will offer a chance to explore I-MAXIMUM's products and diverse range of offerings. I-MAXIMUM arranges transportation to and from the facility and orchestrates the day with a comprehensive program covering industry-related and other aspects.

Presentation program of I-MAXIMUM on April 26, 2024.
Production plant address: Glowna 38A, 05-808, Parzniew, Poland
Shuttle transfer from Mercure Warszawa Centrum Hotel, Złota 48/54, 00-120 Warsaw. https://maps.app.goo.gl/F3D1ijbYGnqisW6G9.
A coordinator will contact each person who confirms the need for transfer in the registration form.
9:30 - 10:00
Guest registration, official welcome of guests, and a refreshment with prosecco and coffee, followed by souvenir photos from the visit to the first gas mixer factory in Poland.
10:00- 10:20
Presentation of I-MAXIMUM company. Our products, services, and manufacturing capabilities, completed projects, and references.
Presented by Świętosław Kariuk - Sales Manager, I-Maximum sp. z o.o.
10:20 – 10:50
Presentation of LPG vaporizers by Korea Gas Engineering (KGE):
1. LPG Vaporizer, model KBV - energy independence and safety. Indirect heating of liquid LPG through glycol using a flame from a burner in a closed combustion chamber.
2. Electric Dry-Type LPG Vaporizer, model KDV.
3. Electric LPG Vaporizer with water bath - model KEV-SR.
4. Water-Type LPG Vaporizer - model KWV. Hot water (coolant) circulation type.
5. LPG Evaporation Station in a container. The process of evaporating liquid LPG using hot water circulation from an external gas boiler.
Presented by Świętosław Kariuk - Sales Manager, I-Maximum sp. z o.o.
10:50 – 11:10
Presentation of external gas boilers from the AY series by ROBUR. “An ideal solution for operating LPG evaporation stations in conditions where the air temperature can drop even to -25°C”.
Presented by Piotr Langowski, GAZUNO Sp. z o.o.
11:10 – 12:00
Practical familiarization with the equipment exhibited during the presentation and providing answers to all questions.
1. Gas vaporizer LPG, model KBV-1500 kg/h
2. Electric dry LPG vaporizer - model KDV-100 kg/h
3. Electric LPG vaporizer - model KEV-SR – 150 kg/h
4. Water LPG vaporizer - model KWV-1000 kg/h
5. Container LPG evaporation station - 500 kg/h
6. External gas boiler AY 100 kW
Presented by Yurii Piatybrat - Technical Director, I-Maximum sp. z o. o.
12:00 – 12:30
Coffee break and networking session.
Presentation of SNG (Synthetic Natural Gas) blenders manufactured by I-Maximum. Precision, reliability, safety - these are our main priorities in the production of gas mixers for blending various gases (LPG, hydrogen, biomethane, natural gas, and others).
Presented by Świętosław Kariuk - Sales Manager, I-Maximum sp. z o.o.
12.50 – 13.30
Practical tour of our manufacturing plant, where gas mixers and containerized LPG vaporization stations are produced.
• Opportunity for hands-on experience with the showcased SNG mixer MGA-3000.
• We will provide answers to all questions.
Yurii Piatybrat - Technical Director, I-Maximum sp. z o. o.
13.30 – 14.00
Celebratory banquet and refreshments for all guests.
Spectacular show demonstrating the operation of the gas mixer using heavy smoke and laser effects.
14:10 - 16:00
Banquet featuring a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, European menu with Polish and Korean cuisine specialties, networking, and music performed by a DJ.
Bus transfer to Mercure Warszawa Centrum Hotel, located at Złota 48/54, 00-120 Warsaw.
Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/F3D1ijbYGnqisW6G9
Here is the route map from the Gas Fuels Forum in Warsaw:
Production plant address: Główna 38A, 05-808, Parzniew, Poland

Start saving - Install an alternative to Natural Gas - Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG)
Design and installation of gas supply for power energy, industrial and agriculture

When we use SNG (Propane-AIR)?
Advantages of SNG gas supply

I-Maximum in numbers
About I-Maximum Company
I-MAXIMUM - an engineering company that provides energy solutions for industrial LPG systems, Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). Offers gas installation technologies for enriching biogas and biomethane. We specialize in the production and delivery of precise gas blending installations that effectively replace the use of coal, heating oil, gas, and other fuels at our clients' facilities. I-maximum gas equipment to the decarbonization of the industrial, heating, food, and many other sectors.
Our services
comparison of the exchange value of natural and liquefied gas in 2021-2023, €/MWh
The chart is based on TTF and Argus (daf Brest) quotes in 2021-2023.
TTF – The Title Transfer Facility, is a virtual trading point for natural gas in the Netherlands. Argus (daf Brest) - daily quotes for liquefied gas prices on the Belarusian-Polish border