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Peak Shaving Systems – Proportional
Gas Mixing

gas installation

Peak Shaving Systems

I-Maximum designs SNG installations, biomethane enrichment systems, and gas mixing systems (hydrogen, biogas, LPG, propane, natural gas, etc.).
We also offer Peak Shaving Systems for proportional dosing of blended gas mixtures into the gas network, maintaining precise proportions (e.g., 40% blended synthetic gas SNG and 60% natural gas).
This is a convenient solution for our clients who have a natural gas supply and wish to mix it proportionally with enriched , biomethane or synthetic gas, maintaining flow, pressure, and accurate proportions.

Possible Peak Shaving System Configurations:
1. NG + SNG
2. Biomethane + NG
3. Energy-enriched biomethane and natural gas: (BioCH₄ + LPG) + NG
4. LNG + SNG, etc.
I-Maximum, in collaboration with its partners, provides precise installations for mixing up to 4 gases simultaneously (NG, hydrogen, natural gas, LPG, CO₂, etc.), which maintain the energy value of the gas fuel (heat of combustion) and the percentage content of gas in the gas mixture at a specified level

Advantages of I-Maximum’s Peak Shaving System:
· Precise percentage mixing of gases produced by the client’s installations and externally supplied gases.
· Enhanced gas supply reliability through the use of multiple
gas sources.
· Cost optimization by incorporating alternative gases.
· Cost optimization by incorporating alternative gases.
· Customizable systems to meet specific client needs.
· Reduction of CO₂ emissions by mixing biogas and hydrogen with natural gas.
· Easy integration with the client’s existing gas infrastructure.
· Increased operational flexibility for the enterprise.

About I-Maximum Company

I-MAXIMUM - an engineering company that provides energy solutions for industrial LPG systems, Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). Offers gas installation technologies for enriching biogas and biomethane. We specialize in the production and delivery of precise gas blending installations that effectively replace the use of coal, heating oil, gas, and other fuels at our clients' facilities. I-maximum gas equipment to the decarbonization of the industrial, heating, food, and many other sectors.

About company
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Our installations
About company KGE
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I-Maximum in numbers

1The first manufacturing of GAS mixers in Poland
2020 years of engineering experience
+500More than 500 installed LPG vaporizers
gas installation
+10More than 10 installed SNG mixers

Our services

Welding of gas equipment
Technical design
Installation of gas equipment
Supply of LPG and SNG equipment
gas installation

Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant

Dear Sir/Madam!

Presentation of the new I-Maximum manufacturing plant - LPG systems engineering. Event on April 26, 2024 near Warsaw as part of the Gaseous Fuels Forum 2024. If you are interested in receiving videos of all presentations about gas equipment company I-MAXIMUM, please view the program of production presentations gas systems engineering company and fill out the subscription form at the following link: 


The Teams I-Maximum engineering company

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bossSwietoslaw KariuknetworkHead of the sales department